Who am I?

Imma Sàrries Zgonc

I am a midwife, specialised in home birth care, teacher in obstetric emergencies and home birth issues, breastfeeding specialist and counsellor, systemic midwife (specialist in systemic therapy and motherhood), shiatsu therapist.



Degree in Nursing from the EUIFN, Blanquerna, where I obtained 13 honours.

I studied my speciality in England where I was awarded First Class Honours.


I was then chosen from 120 midwives at the Royal Berkshire Hospital where I worked, to join the team of 12 founding midwives of the Birth Centre at the same hospital.

Partner of DONA LLUM. I collaborate by giving informative talks and reviewing medical records after traumatic births.



Organiser and teacher of sessions on Obstetric Emergencies in the out-of-hospital setting for birth professionals.

Lecturer in the course on home birth for midwives, organised by ACL.


Co-Author of the Home Birth Care Guide 2018published by ACL and ALPACC.

Co-founder Scientific Platform for Optimal Umbilical Cord Clamping


Translator of the breech birth course, Optibreech Training: Physiological Breech Birth Online Training Course.

Systemic midwife (specialist in systemic therapy and motherhood)

Assisted childbirth
Home births
On-site courses
Years in breastfeeding group
Years of experience
And if that wasn't enough...

I am a mother

I have a daughter who was born at home in 2003 and whom I breastfed for 4 years out of mutual desire; and a son who was born at home in 2012 and whom I breastfed for 5 years out of mutual desire.

I speak and write Catalan, Spanish and English, and I have a basic level of German and spoken French.